I am strong because I know my weaknesses. I am beautiful because I am aware of my flaws. I am fearless because I learned to recognize illusion from real. I am wise because I learn from my mistakes. I am a lover because I have felt hate and I can laugh because I have known sadness. My name is Cassandra Mainardi & I am 23 years young!
I love to read, learn, and grow. In May of 2013 I graduated from a community college with my Associates Degree in Exercise Science. I have a passion for helping others which has lead me to helping others lead a healthier, happier lifestyle!
I am full of sparkle & compassion. I genuinely want to make the world a better place. I love hard. I practice kindness. I'm not afraid of the truth. I am loyal, adventurous, supportive, and surprising. I make mistakes, but I own them and learn from them. I enjoy the little things. I'm a dreamer, and firm believer that every day is a blessing.
I am a girlfriend of 5.5 years to my high school sweetheart, Peter! Peter & I packed up our car, our puppy, and our life 2 years ago, and made the move from a small town in NJ to Tampa. We've been here for two years now and we absolutely love it here! I love this man more and more every single day that we spend together. He's my rock, my hero, my best friend, and my soul mate.

I presently work full-time for my Dad, and if I had to put a name to my position I wouldn't really know what to call it. He own's a roofing company & a few years ago, I wanted to help my Dad move his business from the old school, hand-written contracts, to something different; something the roofing industry wasn't yet familiar with. I created templates for his proposals & invoices and I now type those for him on a regular basis. In June of 2013 I decided that I wanted to take on the challenge of learning how to build a website for him. I wanted to make it modern, fun, bold, and UNIQUE! It took me well over 6 months to complete it, but after countless hours of hard work and self-teaching, A LOT of coffee, some determination, and motivate; I DID IT! You can check out his website it you would like
here. On the website you will see that I have created a blog for the business, as well. In addition to these things, I have also helped my Dad to implement a database program to help his business performance become more efficient, my boyfriend & I worked together to create his logo, and all in all, I have just been on a mission to help my Dad display and portray the unique, family owned business that he has been working on creating his entire life!

I'm on a mission to build my own dreams because I know that if don't, someone else will hire me to build theirs. I must have gotten that "entrepreneurial spirit" from both of the men in my life, my Dad and Peter! In October of 2014 I had realized that I was living in what we call the "rat race." I was living paycheck to paycheck. The worst part was that I had accumulated 58k in student loan debt and I had no plan to pay it down. That was when my good friend Susannah shared AdvoCare with me and how it changed her and her husband's lives. I immediately got on product and in 24 days I had lost 4% body fat, my energy level was increased, and the best part is I got this little check in the mail for $80. That $80 meant the world to a broke college student. That helped me to pay off some credit. I am now averaging $500/ month and growing working AdvoCare part time. If things keep going like I think they will, by this time next year I will be able to live life on my terms, save enough money to marry the man of my dreams, and in 5 years I will be debt FREE!!
I have started this blog as a personal journal for my Digital Arts course this Fall semester. All of my work will be uploaded here, so this will be a fun way of learning more about me and following my journey here at the University of Tampa.
My initial goal coming into this class was to ideally learn more about Photoshop and illustrator, as I've had a really difficult time attempting to teach myself! After reading the syllabus, I learned that I have a lot more to look forward to in addition to learning more about those programs. I'm excited to learn and put my best foot forward!